If you'd like to find out more, here are some links we use frequently.
About cyber-violence, it's the must.
Basically, the links below are not in English, but you will be able to understand the content by using translation services such as DeepL.
To find out more about cyber-violence
Cyberviolence (Sécurité de l'information; page de l'Université de Sherbrook)
La cyberviolence sexuelle (page de Fondation Marie-Vincent)
Cyberviolences dans les relations intimes(INSPQ Centre d'expertise et de référence en santé publique)
La cyberviolence dans les relations amoureuses des jeunes (Association québécoise Plaidoyer-Victimes)
Cyberaide (la centrale canadienne de signalement des cas d’exploitation et d’abus sexuels d’enfants sur Internet)
If you need practical help, it's here↓. (English)
NeedHelpNow.ca (Canadian Centre for Child Protection Inc.)
"If you're concerned that nude images of yourself are circulating on the Internet and you're under 18 in those images, the HelpMeSVP.ca team is here for you. There are things you can do to correct the situation, and there are people who can help.
You don't have to do it alone. You're not alone."
To find out which organizations are recognized under the Programme de soutien aux organismes communautaires with a global mission (PSOC) in the region of Côte-Nord.
To find out more about the Empreinte program (English)
For women's health
(Its mission: to promote and defend the rights and interests of women and to work with them to recognize their knowledge and take charge of their health, using a global, feminist approach)
Its newsletter (Les Réseautées) is a must-read! The subscription page is ici.
Support for men sexually abused as children (verified September 13, 2023) (In French only)
CRIPHASE (https://www.criphase.org/)
Telephone number: 514 529 5567
Email: info@criphase.org
Center de Ressources et d'Intervention Pour Hommes Abusés Sexuellement dans leur Enfance (CRIPHASE)
CRIPHASE is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping men who have been sexually abused in childhood (HASE) regain the power over their lives, through psychosocial interventions, information, awareness-raising and socialization activities, as well as training for network workers.
Support for people suffering from sexual fantasies about minors (verified September 13, 2023)
Ça suffit (https://casuffit.info/en/)
Listening line: 1-844-654-3111
Ça suffit offers services to adults and teens of all gender identities who are suffering from sexual fantasies, with or without acting out.
Our phone line and chat service are designed to provide you with an active, anonymous and confidential listening ear, while our website's self-help modules are designed to help you better understand your fantasies and problematic sexual behaviours. The modules also offer reflection tools to help you develop a positive and healthy relationship with sexuality. It's important to stress that these modules are not a substitute for regular follow-up with a professional.
Technological self-defense guide for victims of IPV (in English)
Technological tools have always been used by aggressors to gain power over their partners. What characterizes the current period is that these tools are increasingly numerous, effective, accessible and affordable. Whether via cell phones, apps, social networks, home automation or anything else, the opportunities for abusers are numerous, and it can be complex to spot technological violence in one's life and know how to protect oneself from it.
For more information on this subject, consult
BOÎTE À OUTILS Comptes en ligne et localisation en contexte de violence conjugale (Translation in English : TOOL KIT Online accounts and location in the context of domestic violence)
( https://cdeacf.ca/localisation-comptes-partages ) from CDÉACF (Centre de documentation sur l'éducation des adultes et la condition féminine)
This toolbox brings together the tools created as part of the project Comptes et appareils connectés en contexte de violence conjugale : mieux comprendre les technologies pour prévenir les risques reliés à la localisation et à l'utilisation des comptes en ligne.
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P.C. 6177 Baie-Comeau (Quebec) G5C 0B7 |
418-589-1714 1-800-563-0443 calacs@lumiereboreale.qc.ca |
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Many thanks to artists Connie F. Stone, Denis Beausoleil, Joseph Simard, Michel Bélanger, Jean-Charles Tremblay and Sébastien St-Jean.
By donating a part of themselves, they allowed us to go further in our mission and thus, provide you with a welcoming space.