Board of directors

The members of the Council are first and foremost women, activists and must recognize that nothing justifies sexual assault. They must show respect and confidentiality to women who are victims of sexual assault. They must respect the philosophy and work structure of Northern lights* CALACS Baie-Comeau. They must also establish within meetings with other members of CALACS, an atmosphere of respect, mutual aid, honesty and sharing of power. The members forming the board are elected at the Annual General Meeting.

Update: 2024-12-30

Émilie Bellemare 



Sonia Ricard 

Marie-France Trudel 

Mélinda Saint-Louis 

Administrator from the team
Elizabeth Bréa 

Ex officio member
Coordonnatrice (Coordinator)
Guilaine Levesque 

The importance of participation in an organization’s board of directors

Participation in an organization’s Board of Directors is of great importance to its smooth running and effective decision-making. The Board of Directors is the main decision-making body that defines the organization’s strategic orientations and policies, and plays a crucial role in its overall management.

Board membership enables members to contribute their specific expertise, knowledge and skills to the growth and development of the organization. By bringing together individuals from diverse professional backgrounds and experiences, the Board of Directors fosters collective, informed decision-making.

The diversity of Board members also fosters innovation and creativity. By having different points of view and experience, decisions taken can be broader and more thoughtful, leading to better solutions for the organization.

In conclusion, participation on an organization’s board of directors is essential to ensure efficient operation and informed decision-making. It allows members to benefit from their expertise and skills, represent the interests of members and foster innovation. Active, committed participation on the Board thus contributes to the organization’s success in achieving its objectives.