Information Guide for Sexual Assault Victimes (1st édition) / 3rd édition (disponible en format PDF)

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Information Guide for Sexual Assault Victimes (1st édition) /  3rd édition (disponible en format PDF)

Information Guide for Sexual Assault Victimes (1st édition)

3rd édition PDF 

To obtain copies of this Guide, contact the Secrétariat à la condition féminine at 418-643-9052 or
A PDF version is also available on the TCACSM website at
ISBN 978-2-9810388-5-2 (3rd edition 2018, PDF, english)
Translated from: ISBN 978-2-9810388-2-1 (3rd edition 2018, print, french)
ISBN 978-2-9810388-4-5 (3rd edition 2018, print, english)
ISBN 978-2-9810388-0-7 (1st edition 2008, print, english)
Legal deposit — 2018 Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec Library and Archives Canada

This guide was prepared by the Table de concertation sur les agressions à caractère sexuel de Montréal, an association of regional organizations dedicated to promoting the cause of sexual assault victims. The project involved the participation of all members of the TCACSM. This third edition of the Guide was also made possible with the help of Jean-Yves Frappier, M.D., FRCPC, MSc., medical director of the social pediatrics and maltreatment sector of the Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine, Cheryl Ward and Harley Schwartz at the Direction of Youth Protection at the CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, Nathalie Lamothe at the Direction of Youth Protection at the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, and the Ministère de la sécurité publique du Gouvernement du Québec.

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